June 9, 2010

My Incredible Niece...

So I haven't been on here to blog much lately...I never do because I have no life and therefore nothing to write about...HOWEVER I was just in Houston, TexasS a couple of weeks ago for the graduation ceremony (in Oklahoma) of one absolutely, positively incredible young woman. That feels weird to type because in my head she's still a little girl that signs her letters "Your Pal, Brittany". My little Brittany Ann graduated from high school.

Here is a short list of a FEW things that make her so incredible (I mean shit people I could go on for days about how amazing my sister and all of her kids are):
1. She's just like her mom (my amazing sister...whom I ADORE)
2. She cares about other people's feelings
3. She loves her Auntie very much -- which also means she has good taste :)
4. She is willing to give up her room, her privacy, her peace and quiet while people are staying with them
5. She was National Honor Society, Valedictorian, and got Beta chords - I'm way more than just a little proud
6. She's smart...like really smart
7. She's good at math
8. She wants to be a Doctor
9. That is after she gets an Engineering Degree
10. She's compassionate
11. She's beautiful (and I'm not just saying so because I'm her Aunt...seriously - kid is gorgeous)
12. She chose moving with her parents and staying together as a family over staying in OK with her friends for her last semester of HS AND she took it VERY VERY well
13. She loves her brother and sister both a lot...and tries to get along with them. I can't say the same for my brother cuz dude's irritatin'
14. She's close with both of her parents
15. She doesn't party even a little and is SO NOT your typical HS student
16. She's never really gotten into trouble
17. She's fun to be around
18. She has wicked wide range tastes in music - much like myself...music sharing anyone!?!
19. She's funny
20. She's my baby niece, my little Brittany and honestly - that is enough

So Brit - I want you to remember...you can do ANYTHING baby girl. You are always enough just the way you are. Don't do anything you aren't ready to do and don't do anything that you aren't ready to deal with ANY consequence that comes out of that action. Don't rely on others to make you happy. Your family is always here. Always. I am just a phone call and a plane ride away should you need me to be there. I am always here to talk no matter what time: day or night. You are an extraordinary young woman and I have NO DOUBT whatsoever that you will be an extraordinary woman for the rest of forever. My very short list doesn't do you a bit of justice...it could be so much longer...but everything there is true. And most of all I love you more than any words can possibly say. You are my little Brittany even though you're not so little anymore (although you are kinda short :P) and you ALWAYS will be, sweet girl.

June 3, 2010


Okay so here's the deal. The ever hilarious Daffy over at Batcrap Crazy just lost her sister, Wendy, from complications from a brain tumor. To all of my friends and family who read this blog you know that the brain tumor thing hits close to home. I lost my mommy person (not my mom, but my mommy person...it's complicated and over here). However, I was 20. I understood exactly what was going on...Wendy though, left behind a 5-year-old son named JD. JD's dad is going to be a single father and Daffy wants to make sure there is money for him to go to college. Daffy's good shit ya'll - she makes me laugh (almost) every post. So I am going to make and donate a "tie blanket" to the cause. To find out more about the JD Scholarship fun click on Ms. Daffy up there or go here to CheapSkateMom's blog - or here to That One Mom's Blog - or here to Think Tank Momma or like 100 other places. I will post the links under all of this information...but here's a picture of a blanket LIKE the one I will make:

Some of you might recognize this from a previous fundraiser - this blanket is 2 yd x 2 yd - my 2 nieces and nephew (all teens) have them this size - great for a throw or kid - I can do them in any color (within reason I mean come on people) :) ...the woman who ended up with it loved it...so PLEASE donate! Help in anyway you can...if you can only donate $1 or buy a $1 entry please do it anyway! Every single dollar helps to ensure that this little boy gets to go to college.

Here's Cheapskate Mom's rundown of DUCKFEST in her own words - straight from her site:

What is DUCK FEST?

DUCK FEST is a blog party fundraising event to raise money for the JD Scholarship Fund. It runs June 3 - 8 right here in the blogosphere!

How does DUCK FEST work?

By using the McLinky at the bottom of this page, you are able to visit a number of giveaways to raise money for the JD Scholarship Fund. If you find a giveaway you'd like to enter, beginning June 3, you can click on the donate button on that giveaway and donate money for entries. Each entry is $1.00. If you donate $10.00 you have 10 entries to spend however you want. Please follow the PayPal directions for your donation (be sure to leave your blog url in notes for verification!) To enter, leave a comment for each $1.00 donation on the giveaways of your choice!
On June 9, each hosting blog will select their winners using random.org.

How can I participate?

Do you have a skill or talent you'd like to showcase? Do you rub elbows with PR firms, have advertisers or sponsors that would support the cause? You are more than welcome to host a giveaway at your blog! Do you have product you'd like to donate, but don't have an outlet to run a giveaway? We're happy to host it for you! If you'd like to participate, send an email to me - That One Mom at thatonemom.onlyparentchronicles@gmail.com OR to Tamara at cheapskatemom@live.com.

What if I would just like to donate money and not worry about prizes?

That is perfectly fine! Just click on the donate button in the side bar. All donations go directly to the JD Scholarship Fund!

In the meantime, grab a button and spread the word!! Word of mouth is key to making DUCK FEST a success!